How to Create Prospect-Attracting Lead Magnets AND Business-Generating Follow-Ups -- Without Working Your Tail Off

When: Thursday, May 30, 3 p.m. EDT, 2 p.m. CDT or Friday, May 31, 11:30 EDT, 10:30 a.m. CDT

Where: Online.

What: With the right lead magnet (free giveaway), you can attract ideal prospects. With smart, automated follow-up, you can engage those prospects and inspire them to buy.

In this free masterclass, Tom Ruwitch will reveal:

✓ Quick, easy ways to create a powerful, prospect-attracting lead magnet.

✓ A proven framework to transform leads into warm prospects and then clients.

The common, mistake so many marketers make with lead magnets that repels prospects and suppresses sales.

✓ Set-it-and-forget it automation tools so you can create landing pages and follow-up sequences with ease -- even if you have zero technical skills...

...and more.

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